♢ Untold Tales from Eorzea: ♢

⬷Farren (Artoel) Streiss⤐

| The Wandering Rava |
| 'Mog-Farren' |
| Formally 'Faroré Eldrinyút' (OOC knowledge ONLY) |
|'Dumb-Eared F*ck'|

Born of the Golmore Jungle, then shifting to the sands of Dalmasca-this Rava abandoned the Green Word, his mantle and home in search of fuller purpose. Like others, he braved the tides of newfound Adventure as a self-made outcast - surrendering himself to the whims of Etheirys.


⤞ At a Glance:

Viera (Rava)Male90's
The WayfarersMercenary/Courier
Capable hunterenigmatic
Well traveledwistful
valiant + civil'arrogant'
⋗Subtle details
Tall for rava, lean and muscular
Physically scarred across body
keeps and wears dalmascan jewelerry
Body paint reminiscent of golmore
Romantically taken by another.

Stoic and enigmatic, a Viera prone to self-retreat credited to his upbringing, teachings and conflictions of self-guilt. Though behind the exterior he longs to
make connections with the world and people around him.
Speaks his native tongue, and a more exclusive dialect of his former tribe.Farren is under the employ of Hale Marigold, with The Wayfarers Circle - often serving as a Hunter or Private Courier.[Current personal plot] As strange markings extend across his body, Farren searches for answers and short-term solutions to its detriments.⬷ Spotify Playlist ⤐




⤞ Past Hooks [Must ask first]:

  • Eldrin Rava - Farren comes from a tribe of Viera in the golmore that worship spirits and the phases of the moon. [Farren's home village is my own personal creation, please ask before presenting any remote connection. I am more likely to decline.]

  • Dalmasca - Farren lived in and around Rabanastre for roughly fifty years; before, during and after its occupation. He often wears clothing and jewlery reminiscent of the region.

  • Circus: When he first came to Rabanastre, he found himself in a performers troupe.

  • Vive la Résistance! - Farren served Dalmasca by offering himself to her resistance after Garlean occupation.

  • Garlemald - Whilst working with the resistance, Farren became caught by Garlean soldiers and forced to work Ceruleum Mines until events of Endwalker gave him oppourtunity of escape to Thavnir.

⤞ Present Hooks:

  • Kin of my Kin - As a Viera and former Warder, Farren is naturally curious of other Viera, especially those from Golmore.

  • Clan Centurio - Farren has been working for the clan both in Dalmasca and Eorzea.

  • Gridania - Farren lives deep in the Shroud of Gridania, and can be seen about.

  • Private Courier - Farren is tasked with delivering all maner of items to clients, wherever they may be... Look out for 'Hop to It Couriers'.

  • Trouble with Aether - Farren has historically had trouble with his own Aether... These days, he makes a conscious effort not to use Aether at all.

  • Strange black... Tattoo? - A viscous marking snakes and spirals its way up Farren's left forearm and legs. Though he sometimes makes the effort to hide it, it's not so easily obscured anymore.

⬷♢ Finer Details ♢⤐

OOC Words:


Aside from the usual that should go without saying;- I am 25+, not looking to roleplay with minors.
- I am narrative/heavily story focused.
- I don't mind lore breaking if it's believable and grounded in FF14's reasonable reality.
- Most active on Materia DC, usually happy to discord unless I'm too busy with other RP.
- Heavy themes ok with me.
I have little to no interest in;- God modding
- WoL characters
- ERP mains (not my fantasy)
- 'Main characters'

Voice and Accent:I had a very particular idea in mind for how Farren sounds, with the help of a voice artist I've been able to get more of a rough example.